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Old 01-28-2014, 02:10 PM   #74
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Default Re: My depersonalization over the last year

Originally Posted by DossarLX ODI View Post
You mention that chemical companies can make those ingredients legitimately with no issues, and there can be perfectly good reason to make them for research etc.

But the problem here is that no manufacturers are listed. If no manufacturers are listed that gives me the impression that it's shady as fuck. If the drug was legitimate, the manufacturer would be listed there without any issue.
I'm just saying the problem is within the scope of the K2 product itself, not with the active chemicals.

Once the active chemicals have been sold to somebody else, that's their deal. Once I buy flour and use it as an ingredient in bread, I don't need to list who's flour it is.

If we WERE to do so, and there was a problem with the flour in the bread, we could as consumours rule out who is to seek out. Similarly with the k2 packaging companies. They'll know, and any investigation into their shipping/receiving logbook would be enough to figure that out. But it still does not mean that the chemical companies are at fault here. It's improper usage of them. Imposing shipping restrictions at the chemical place, yeah that will mean there's no K2 directly. But they have no way to discern "Joe Blank" from "Boe Jank" when they receive an order of what might be legal active compounds that they swear are for research purposes. Until the chemicals are scheduled, there's nothing that can really be done on a grandeur scheme.

So I guess that's just it, raise awareness, have a social perception that reduces the market/demand and hopefully these products start to go away. Other than that: simply make a rule saying you can't sell herbal incense products that contain synthetic cannabinoids : |

Also as reckless as it sounds, legalizing cannabis is going to at least VERY much dilute the market for synthetic versions that are becoming to be known for what they really are. Better yet, if they legalize strains with high CBD levels and make it publically aware ("SYNTHETIC SHIT HAS FUCKED UP YOUR BRAIN, SMOKE THIS AND GET BETTER") that it is more effective for their weed of k2 induced anxiety or any other psychological problems.

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX View Post
I am sure the original chemicals came from research labs in china.
Primarily this is the case. Off the top of my head I can name two sites notorious for selling in both bulk and smaller levels of purchase, and most of the substances they sell are illegal here. Yet, they will sell it to you discretely and it will be all on you as far as how to make it seem legitimate (paying a research company to import it for you is a dodge for this).

Also I read this (Section 32) which outlines why the man was charged with the things listed in COUNT ONE, that shit is strict as fuck. They should have no problems taking them down if they put the effort into connecting the dots.

TL;DR: People need to not mindlessly consume ANYTHING. Research ANY new product you are interested in trying that has mind altering effects. Once you think you've done enough research, read dozens of reports on it. Once you've done that, if you aren't sure what you're getting into, talk to people who have done it lots, and get the good/bad. BUT TO AVOID ALL THAT SHIT get studying some basic neuroscience and read the wiki pages and you'll be able to see for yourself what a lot of these things do without having to read extensively on anecdotal reports.

Last edited by Spenner; 01-28-2014 at 02:35 PM..
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