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Old 11-10-2018, 02:08 AM   #27
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: San Antonio, TX
Age: 25
Posts: 606
Default Re: An Open Letter Re: QueenAshy

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
So since this keeps being a constant source of forum nonsense, lets just grab bulls by horns and address elephants in rooms and so forth.

The problem here is a self-feeding cycle. Here's how that cycle goes:

1/ QueenAshy makes a thread that should have been a bump to a previous thread of hers.

2/ A bunch of people decide a great idea is to come into her thread and tell her off for making too many threads, or for the content of her threads, or otherwise just react with hostility.

3/ The people doing 2/ invariably break a rule and get infracted or given a short 1-day Ban

4/ The thread gets completely derailed by people going on at length about how they don't like the bans, to the point that we have to lock the thread.

5/ When QueenAshy wants to continue her thread, it's locked, so she makes a new thread.


More than anything, this is just getting tiresome.

Everybody who doesn't like QueenAshy:

Yes, there are a vocal group of people who don't like QueenAshy. Your dislike of her or her posting doesn't mean you can break the rules. And when you break the rules, eventually it gets you banned, even if just for a day. I don't think any of you have been banned for posting in QueenAshy threads for as long, in total, as QueenAshy has been banned herself for when her threads break rules, so maybe just don't use slurs, and harass users, and you'll be fine.

You don't have to read QueenAshy threads, you don't have to post in QueenAshy threads, in fact we have a handy ignore list that will make it so you never see a post of hers ever again. If you can't restrain yourself from breaking the rules responding to her, you're going to get infracted and banned. You'll have to choose between "Venting your spleen at QueenAshy" and "Not being banned" if you aren't able to manage "Being critical without breaking the rules" (Though you'll probably still be being a jerk, since you can easily block her and not see her posts at all, they're not being forced on you here)


Most of your threads should be random thoughts on your profile. I understand that you get a larger audience here, but if your primary motive is "Getting attention" instead of "Engaging with the community" maybe...go do that somewhere else? We have forums for discussion between members of the community, and we have 'random thoughts' on profiles for when you are just putting information about your life out / blogging to yourself about your life.

You're not entitled to the widest possible audience regardless of your content. Things go in places. Put them in the right places. If you want to make a thread, think about whether this is something for the community to know about, care about, and want to engage with or whether it should be a blog post somewhere, or a random thought on your profile for the interested.

And if you decide it should be a thread, please, if the previous thread is still open and about that same stuff, please just put it in that thread instead of making a new one?
So I’m basically being punished for being active and talking about harmless content? Wow… that is very classy. Almost how r/osugame tried to censor LGBT topics on the forums… HMM......

And yes, I will keep my threads going with edits if I need to. Like, for example, if I need to talk more about my girlfriend, I’ll edit the title of that post. Unless it’s something completely unrelated to that topic, or something really fucking terrible and something that shouldn’t be muddied by prior discussion, such as a nasty breakup…

I’m not trying to spam here, I’m trying to connect with this community. Because, despite the bad blood, I still feel like you all are a pretty cool bunch of people. Granted, there’s some that are mean/cynical, but it’s nowhere near as bad as other people I’ve dealt with. In fact, it’s relatively tame compared to that type of thing.

And yes, I used to write in a diary constantly. But that was when I had no one to talk to, and it was quite lonely, an dhonestly made my anxiety worse and made me more isolated. I have no problem with writing in a journal from time to time, but sometimes I need a sort of “living journal” from time to time to help me straighten out my thoughts, if that makes any sense.

All in all, I’m not trying to troll or spam, or bring down these forums. I’m merely trying to engage with this community.

You have a good day
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