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Old 11-13-2016, 08:53 PM   #1500
scumfan is scared of aa
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Default Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Then I still disagree with it probably.
But seriously if you just don't want to write it again at least say "Storn-already covered" or something because it really looks like you want to just say he's town definitively.
I'll try to convenience you next time but I mean for now I'd say that.

Town as a collective voting inactives would be a gamble.
Haku voting for an inactive at that time by himself would just be Haku trying to play like shit.
I mean, there's a gamble that people jump on it and it's wrong. It's literally a crapshoot. Eh, I don't really have much to say on this other than my opinion is just different from yours.

There are many reasons to fish for a reaction, but most importantly I spend most of my time responding to things Andy has said, so I don't get why you're acting like I am the aggressor.

I mean, when I see stupid shit I get pissed and call people out. That's aggressive, but I didn't get in the thread and go mmmmm tasy Andy ass imma bite me some of that! I hope that was as fun to read as it was to type I lol'd
Your tone is very aggressive, the way you phrase things, although this is true for most games. It was fun to read in a gay tone.

We're both just going to have to accept we disagree on his entrance then.
Fair enough.

That is not a good enough reason that Is nOt A GOOd eNOUGH REASON THAT REASON IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH
I disagree.

Notable: pg. 72 roundbox is very curious what gs thinks he is. Very self-aware and awkward for him to devote a lot of energy to.

Rip Haku.

And MML you forgot me in your latest scum reads. I have to go to walmart for the weekly dorm friend group stocking event. I'll be back by EoD and if I'm not I died or something.

Why are you here?
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