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Old 02-27-2012, 11:51 PM   #2959
FFR Veteran
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Berkeley, California
Posts: 1,530
Default Re: League of Legends

then how do people like doublelift do it

okay maybe you're right lol, the pro players are just insanely good at making decisions

edit: just came out of a bot game (For first win of the day, i do this when i'm busy)

went like 40/1/3 as kogmaw with my good support orianna going like 1/1/38

meanwhile in top and mid, and jungle..
irelia: 1/10/1
fiddle: 1/7/2
brand: 2/1/2

and then IRELIA starts talking shit about how bad i am or some shit, and then i tell her how the F*CK do you go 1/10/1 in a 30 minute bot game. she starts telling me it's cause she solo'd top against shen and nasus
she also says that kogmaw is the easiest ranged ad to play and i'm astounded like fuc

this girl is telling me stuff cause she's 1/10/1 in a BOT GAME and saying kog is the easiest ad carry blah blah

lol kids in bot games are retarded as well. goddam league..

Last edited by Anaru; 02-28-2012 at 12:34 AM..
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