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Old 12-26-2002, 01:02 AM   #42
FFR Player
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 1

hey, i'm relaly new but after a day of playin i came up with some ideas... i looked though adn doesnt seem like anyone said anything about these:

1. i think putting a little banner ad or something small at the top or bottom of the site would bring in some money, and those really dont bother many people... its mostly the popups that are annoying. maybe something with PS2 games or ddr stuff, ad for something would bring in revenue.

2. i was looking and couldnt find anything about making levels. having some sort of a level editor and a place where the really good players (or just the curious players like me) can try out beats to their own music would make things more interesitng, and probably help you out in making levels... 1000 people making levels would haev to make at least a couple good ones that you could incorporate into new versions.

3. for each level, i htink there should be a little part thats randomized, instead of having the possibility for a whole level to be memorized. some of my friends (very crazy programmer people) edited ddr cds to randomize certain spots to a beat, so they could put in more style. i think putting in randomized spots would make it more interesting and harder.

4. to make things even harder... (lol, im not even any good at ffr) possibly for the very difficult levels (like piano) have fore-ground black circles that bounce around and block the arrows. haha, thatd be interesting...

5. maybe fore the future, pulling away from ddr which is limited to <v^>, you could have a hexagon type like TYHBVF and that could lead to two players like WEDXZA and IOL<MJ and so on...

yea im hungry so im gonna go... newb out

(sorry if my post is messy, i dont get allt he buttons at the top)
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