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Old 10-12-2017, 05:59 PM   #11
businessman07's Avatar
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Age: 35
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Default Re: tl;dr? health/weight loss help?

I can help you.

Your case is a very simple one, inactivity and over eating for whatever reasons.

at 5'2 and female your basil metabolic rate should be some where around 1200-1600 calories a day. Not the standard 2000 that everyone is condition'd to hearing. Furthermore inactivity would lower this to around 900-1000 since the standard 2000 calories includes 30 mins of activity a day.

The most important factor of losing weight is your diet.
You need to be on a high Protein medium fats and low carb diet consisting of:
approx 70% Protein 20% fats 10% carbs. No junk food. The food you want to intake should be as clean and as elemental as possible.

Eggs are your go to for protein, next beef then chicken, then fish. You don't want to eat any other protein sources to get the most bang for your buck. You can also supplement.

My main fat source is from Avocados, seeds and nuts. You can also get it from fish.

Carbs: I stay away from them like the devil, Actually I don't even eat carbs and elect my body burn ketones in its place. But you want to get the bulk of your carbs from veggies like broccoli, green beans, and salads (Italian not ranch) not really starchy carbs like corn. I couldn't tell you which ones to eat beacuse I don't eat them unless im carb loading for a heavy day. and if I do I only eat Yams or sweet potato's and take a veg supplement to aid in digestion. If you must cheat and eat a bag of chips make them kettle cooked lean or baked with under 160 calories in the bag, my favorite cheat is funyuns. Note the more you eat carbs the more your body will crave them, the best way is cold turkey in my opinion. ABSOLUTELY NO BREAD.

Also do not consume sugar or anything sweet, this causes insulin spikes which will take you out of ketosis which means a day of fasting wasted.

You need to count your caloric intake for a month until you get the jest of how much you are consuming and what a proper portion for your size looks like. you can easily look up the caloric intake for anything you eat.

I suggest, eating once a day. It takes about a week for your body to adjust to it if you're use to eating all the time. This allows the body to go into ketosis (tapping into fat stores).
Me personally I eat once a day in the evening after my workout. That way I only have to count my calories once, and it is just about impossible for me over eat that way even if im starving.

being a gymnast you know how to workout and tax your body. I'll just say you need at least an hour of intense workout 6 days a week. You can walk at 65% of your max for an hour and thats just fine, Weight training is great for overall health but not great for fat loss. If you want to melt the fat you have to do high intensity interval training cardio I.e. sprinting. biking, or something that gets your heart rate really high then allow it to stabilize then you do it again. You can incorporate yoga and gymnastics, you can switch it up as much as you want if you get bored the idea is to stay active no matter what.

The fastest way is to sprint 3-4 times a week work up to 10-15 wind sprints for 50 yards.
It takes about an hour at 1st when you're out of shape, but your rest time will come down from minutes to seconds as you get in better shape. Remember to always push yourself. If you want me to make you some meal plans let me know.

I can make 3 meals a day or my preference 1 meal a day. The thing about eating 3 meals a day in caloric deficit is you will never feel full which means you will always be hungry, which is why I only eat once a day. Go to bed on a full stomach and literally fast for 20hours. Your energy will actually increase as a result of your body burning fat, this will also increase your mood.

My ex GF was 5'3 150 so I know what your build is your body will respond to results rather quickly at 1st.

You want to aim for a fat loss goal of 1.5-2 lbs a week but you will probably be somewhere around 1lb avg. So you want to pick a day and weight in that day every week. put it in your food log so when you are counting your calories you are reminded of your goal, and you can also mark your progress according to what you have eaten, worst comes to worse you can result to eating what you ate one week you saw really good progress over and over, because this is what your body likes.

The key is consistency in Caloric deficit and workout effort.

This is a typical meal for me keep in mind I am lean bulking so I am concentrating on protein intake.

6-7 egg omelet no butter or milk added. I will season with chilipowder and salt n pepper.
560 calories

Roasted Sunflower seed kernals 2 tea spoons
300 calories

A chobani yogurt
120 calories

A nutri grain bar
120 calories

As you can see im at 1040 calories already.

2 servings of protein shake for another 50grams of protien and 250 calories.
a serving of veg supplement for 100 calories

and add what ever I drink that day if its not water. I usually drink water only but I like to have a beer every once in a while.

So you can see my caloric intake is around 1600 on any given day. and I am 175lbs ex football player. I can actually lose fat and increase strength and endurance on this diet plan. and I am confident you will too.

I typically lose 1lb a week, and thats because I don't want to burn out or feel low on energy.

Also fasting will definitely help with your depression, it sounds counter intuitive until you learn the brain runs on fats.. and if you eat sugar and carbs your brain elects to run on that instead of body fat which will make you crash. You want to go into ketosis on a high protein diet.

Ive seen people go into ketosis on a high fat diet but they usually don't have much body fat.

Also I suggest getting on you tube and finding a health enthusiast you aspire to be like. There are so many men and women given out great info there. is a good start
Jeff Cavilere form athlean-x gives great tips for weight training and general health.
I suggest you find a women that competes in physique class and intake everything they say, and pick up tricks on how to get ultra lean.

My final tip, If you skip a workout, half your caloric intake. Oh and Jello Lots and Lots of Jello to get you past your cravings. 10 calories sugar free. eat 2 per day max.

Lets end this old threat right... right!?

Last edited by businessman07; 10-12-2017 at 06:04 PM..
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