Thread: fuck Georgia
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Old 05-10-2019, 07:18 PM   #15
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Default Re: fuck Georgia

fuck georgia

Originally Posted by Mark Joseph Stern, in the article
But it is not clear whether the bill’s drafters contemplated the more dramatic consequences of granting legal personhood to fetuses. For instance, as Georgia appellate attorney Andrew Fleischman has pointed out, the moment this bill takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020, the state will be illegally holding thousands of citizens in jail without bond. That’s because, under HB 481, pregnant inmates’ fetuses have independent rights—including the right to due process. Can a juvenile attorney represent an inmate’s fetus and demand its release? If not, why? It is an egregious due process violation to punish one human for the crimes of another. If an inmate’s fetus is a human, how can Georgia lawfully detain it for a crime it did not commit?
even though i'm not sure we can expect a case like this to go anywhere i'm excited to see it happen

but does this mean we can charge the georgia assembly majority with murder in the case of any woman who dies from preventable pregnancy complications? because i'd like that. i'm sure they'd also have no qualms going home after work, getting their hatchets and killing their wives, because if they did, then they'd understand the issue

i went and pulled the bill and it's so pretentious, citing founding documents and nebulous "modern medical science"
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