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Old 04-12-2013, 12:59 AM   #7021
FFR Player
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
Good thing his team carried him, especially Jacky and Cop had beautiful positioning in teamfights. Jacky also barely got poked the entire game, amazing mechanics against a pretty heavy poke team that Complexity had. He is the reason Curse held off the mid tower pushes so well.

People say that about Karthus because his ult is so obvious, but most of his damage comes from Q and E. His Q actually takes decent mechanical skill, you really notice the difference between a Karthus that hits his Qs and one that misses some. Not saying it's rocket science but Karthus is waaay more than his R.
Similar to Syndra and Cassiopeia, so much focus on the ults when it's the Qs that will get you.
Usually saint carries the team through his choices he makes and how he's helped them refine as a team. He's the only reason I think they're doing well is because of his leadership. But nice to know they got his back when he decided to throw instead of flip~

Syndra is so much more than her ulti my fucking word. She's supposed to be a high skill mechanics champ but I have a hell of a lot easier time playing her than say Skill Shot Ahri. (I'm pretty good Lux / Morg / Nami though me thinks.)

Also, I consider Syndra harder to play than Ahri. Skill shots are hard, but if you can't make use of Syndra's orbs properly she becomes literally worthless. You also gotta know when you use E or W first and such.

But yeah Karthas does require more than R. But his R is how he gets fed more than anything else if you asked me. I dislike champs like Karthas / Darius. (I've never lost a lane to Karthas. In fact I tend to cream him so hard cause lulz Lux.) I find champs like Lux / Vi / Riven / Irelia / Lee Sin a lot more enjoyable to play.

But my most hated champ is and forever will be Teemo. Fuck people who lane him.

I've been playing a lot of Annie recently. I'm like 5X better with her now than I was when I first got her. Stil;l pretty bad at her though cause sometimes I neglect to keep my stun ready or miss crucial W's.
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