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Old 08-31-2020, 09:12 PM   #92
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Default Re: Social Media Drama

Originally Posted by XelNya View Post
1. It is a problem. You fought in the army, and don't hold that free speech is important? What a fucking waste.
I'm not even going to get into my time spent in the army, so all I'll say is that I "fought" to uphold the constitution for the United States of America, not Youtube. quite literally the first thing out of my mouth when I recited the oath of enlistment.
and even if the American idea of free speech applied to Youtube, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. hate speech is a prime example of this. it's your constitutional right to spout off some dumb shit but it'll likely result in you getting your ass kicked.

2. We are close to the point where that route of censorship will be less efficient, if you're a woman, namely on Twitch, it already is.
this seems non sequitur, what are you even talking about?

3. Being an ass hole isn't a crime. Stop making it come off like he deserves to lose a chance at income because he's a jerk.
this isn't an issue of someone saying something rude online and then having their employer called, this is someone making a living off weaponizing their fans and sending droves of hate towards easy targets. he isn't simply "being an asshole."

YOU wouldn't last in a job climate like that, and I wouldn't be that far ahead of you in that regard.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here

If this was about him saying the "n-word" you'd actually have an argument. One I don't agree with, but there's at least a discussion there. But that isn't what it's about, you daft fuck.
I'm hoping your argument for the use of the n-word is primarily an academic one, because unless you're reading something like the adventures of tom sawyer aloud in a classroom, there's really no reason for anyone to use it.
I doubt you know or care about the idea of reclamation so I'm not going to get into it.

4. It's not, my stance on that is probably pretty known. Considering I literally less than two months ago stormed into a thread, belatedly, to take what I said was a "petty victory lap."
not sure what you're referring to

5. Then actually shut up and walk away before you actually make yourself look worse.
I've made myself look like shit in other situations but this is not one of them. take a step back and look at the responses to what you've posted in this thread. you are the one making yourself look worse lol, you're defending a dude who makes a living off bullying small youtubers. did you not read anything I posted about him bullying an autistic kid to the point of tears and wanting to kill himself, or are you purposefully ignoring that? also your point about the n-word will be read into by basically everyone as "man I wish I could use the n-word without getting my shit kicked in" so merely by virtue of that, You Look Like Shit.

Last edited by choof; 08-31-2020 at 09:13 PM..
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