Thread: Spider-Man 3
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Old 05-5-2007, 08:59 PM   #53
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Default Re: Spider-Man 3

Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
The movie really felt more like a Peter Parker, Mary Jane spin-off film than a Spiderman film.
That's the point of super hero films. Every single successful one ever focuses on the human character rather than the super human alter ego. I guess Superman could be a bit of an exception, but Superman is an exception anyway (see Kill Bill vol 2).

By the way, I got back from seeing it again with my family a bit ago. There's so much foreshadowing I missed the first time.
Especially the flag scene, wanted to puke.
Are you joking? Take a look at Spider-man's standard costume. Notice what colors are used. The American flag is a fairly obvious parallel.

Also, how come evil spidey is emo spidey, wtf? "I'm evil so I must put my hair in my face and do pelvic thrusts at strangers."
Having his hair in his face does not equal emo. In fact, he was less emotional if you think about it. The things he did... a person with strong emotions would have cut it out much earlier. As for his dancing: it was extremely out of character for him. It was used to show that he was going for a little bit more of a ladies man thing, but in the end he's still a nerdy kid from Queens.

At least it's easy to make fun of. I miss the cartoon series...
The cartoon series is even more cheesy. Seriously go back and watch it... try the symbiote episodes for a fairly good parallel. At least the films use more legitimate humor in the form of interactions with JJJ and any time Bruce Campbell or Ted Raimi are on screen.

Spoiler warning:
I'm a bit disappointed that they killed the symbiote and Venom here. It closes the door in terms of Venom being an anti hero and it makes it very hard to justify having Carnage appear in any future film. Dr. Connors has a sample of it, so it could still be done, and actually it might make a little more sense. I always wondered why Carnage wasn't anything like Spider-man when Venom was basically a super bulky, stronger (and evil) version of Spider-man, and if the bit of symbiote left never bonded with Peter, it'd make a bit of sense when it doesn't have any Spider-man-like characteristics when it bonds with Kasady. Really, I don't know if they'd do it though... in order to do it right, a Carnage movie would probably have to be rated R rofl.

Oh and that thing with Venom and Sandman working together kinda bothered me too. Like... why would Venom hold down Spider-man while Sandman clobbered him? Venom would just beat the **** out of him himself.

ps did anyone else notice that Venom's chest spider is almost the same color as the rest of the suit, but the slurpee cups at 7 eleven show a much more visible spider on his chest. AAAAAAND am I the only who is bothered by the fact that Venom gets the right spider leg configuration for his chest spider, but Spider-man does not? If the symbiote can change the legs slightly why not? If the symbiote can regenerate the costume while Peter rips it off, why not? IF THE SYMBIOTE CAN MAKE A FULL ON COSTUME THAT COPIES THE SPIDER-MAN COSTUME, WHY COULDN'T IT CHANGE THE SHAPE OF THE LEGS ON PETER'S COSTUME? The only thing I can figure is that they're trying to say that the legs changing is part of the symbiote making the Spider-man outfit more grotesque, or maybe they're saying that it was Brock who willed it into that shape to be different (since the symbiote does not seem to be sentient in the film). Speaking of which, I was really hoping for a "We are VENOM" line, but best they could throw out was "my spidey senses are TINGLINGGG". Does Venom even ever make mention of having the precog ability that Peter does? It's kinda hard to say anything about the movie when the spider sense in the films is just like bullet time from the Matrix.
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