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Old 11-28-2012, 12:14 AM   #1
Proud Indian 7-11 Owner
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Default Halo 4 : A Fun Dissapointment

I wanna say I like Halo 4 it's just has MANY flaws in MP:
1. Not that many power weapons.
2. Not predictable power weapons.
3.The Boltshot... OP much?
4. Bad weapons balance with the DMR and BR and all other weapons.
5. Maps aren't action packed. Too big imo. Except Haven (We all love Haven...)
6. No forge maps in MP.
7. Playlist are quite boring.
8. Some playlists that shouldn't be rotational are.
9. Specialty gametypes need more variety. (Team Snipes needs ordinance of beam rifle etc.)
10. Medals are too small.
11. Announcer sounds awkward sometimes.
12. Multi's sound awkward.
13. Sprees are much harder to get.
14. Sprees sound awkward.
15. Too many unnecessary medals.
16. Took out specialty weapon medals.
17. Ranking up system (Actually this turned out pretty decent)
18. Needs better tactical packages.
19. Carbine is seriously under-powered.
20. File Share system is not up.
21. (Wacky) Custom Games are scarce.
22. Game is starting to become repetetive (like COD) [ with better gametypes/maps I think they could easily fix this]
23. Needs more gametypes.
24. Needs more maps.
25. 343 Needs to not be Bungie and listen to their players.
26. Supressor is quite useless.
27. Plasma Pistol needs more homing abilities when charged.
28. Why isn't the map "Relay" in the MP map circuit.
29. Why is there a grifball court with no grifball MP playlist.
30. No Ranking System.

Ok I think you guys get the point. There's a lot of flaws with this games matchmaking. It's really fun but come on 343 you could fix these and become soooooo much better.

31. Took Medals out of Campaign/Spartan Ops.
32. Took Score out of Campaign/ Spartan Ops.
33. Took out customizable Firefight. (Sniper Practice)
34. No MLG Playlist.
35. No Multi-Team Playlist.
36. MUCH Harder to get the extermination medal.
37. Maps aren't symmetrical.

Ok I'm gonna stop....... but don't get me wrong there is a couple of other cool stuff, that I do like. But meh I'm too Lazy.

What do you guys think about this game compared to other Halo's?

PS: I know there's been other threads about this... so go away haytas
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