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Old 04-3-2015, 10:45 PM   #16
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Default Re: [OPEN] FFR Simfle Judge Applications

Originally Posted by Fission View Post
you're really off base here. if you are proposing that inactive judges should be stripped of their title then you better start getting all other inactive staff stripped of their titles as well.
If the discussion sets a precedent, it'd only be if the other branches of staff never knew how the Simfile Judge title was meant to work.

The FFR Simfile Judge title was introduced in 2012 as a way to distinguish judges who were experienced and active. jimerax proposed a set of rules, and we came to agreement on what it should take for a judge to earn, keep, and regain the title. Under those rules, only eleven of the 22 users in the group would have the Simfile Judge icon right now. And everyone would still be able to access the judge forum and change one's username color to the Judge color.

The only reason it changed is because the admins deleted the Simfile Judge usergroup that awarded the title, assuming it was redundant, without asking any game manager about it. This was when titles were being replaced with the shape icons. I didn't ask about reviving the group, because no one complained about it being gone. But the current inactivity has made me reconsider it.

The "serious discussion" would have been about bringing this system back, not about completely stripping inactive judges of all privileges. (Though I do think that if a judge has officially retired and consents to being removed from the group, it would be reasonable to remove that judge.) I only mentioned "firing" because I made an April Fool's Day joke about it in the Queue/Batch thread.

As long as I've been on staff, the different branches have always been pretty separated. That's how it's been. So it's not that there's new movement towards autonomy, there has actually been movement toward more unification. It wasn't until Zag created the FFR Staff Slack that we had a single channel for everyone on staff. That's where the big, over-arching questions will be asked when we need a consensus. And of course, each branch still has their own private group there.
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