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Old 03-14-2012, 07:47 AM   #22
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
8bit remix
drum n bass
1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
Predictable climax, clean.
If I link anymore I'd be posting my whole fav list.

1b. How about bad music?
Random emphasis, noisy, messy beats.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Justin beiber worshippers and haters are annoying as hell
3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
otaku, blamed for listening to 'fake music', lack of objectives, druggy, uneducated and not artistic.
4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
None at all

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Not particularly, sounds good = good. If it doesn't sound good then it doesnt. Though I could list reason of why it isn't good to me if someone asks why.
7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
No, but it effects my mood, workflow, decision on a personal level when I do emerge myself. It usually does not have much to do with my image or public persona since I do not display my preferences in public, simply no occasion nor need to express.
9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
If he can make a point about it, I will think about it from my stand point, if I do not agree, move on, others can put their own values on music, as can I. Reach conclusion, change topic.
10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Ask him to try it, if does not work, put on my headphones
11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
No, casual music listener.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
Music never come alone for me, it's always with some kind of scene in movie, advertisement with a message, video with background. Then I derive my own meaning to music or a specific mood to each song and I listen to specific song/music to have each specific mood again when and where I want to.
13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?
As I grew over the past few years so did my values and that changed how I read, interpret. I've also came across dubstep somewhat recently so that is an added preference.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?

Reminder for self to make new sig.
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