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Old 12-4-2010, 01:46 PM   #237
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Default Re: League of Legends

Is that all you can do to rebut someone Mina, call them retarded?

If I wanted a damage increase, I'd buy a Long Sword, which builds into a wonderful Brutalizer. Damage, Armor Penetration, and Cooldown Reduction.

If you're harrassing to the point that you NEED the lifesteal because you're taking damage, YOU are the one that's over-extending. YOU are the one that needs to rethink how to go about things. Harrassing doesn't have to mean constantly attacking someone. It could be as simple as throwing in an attack every so often. Look at Garen, all you need is one attack every 7 seconds to shut down his early game regeneration. Since most Garens will start off with boots and 3 health pots, you'll be hurting him.

Anyway, after going through a number of different Gangplank builds, I've finally settled on one...
Boots of Swiftness
Trinity Force
Infinity Edge
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler

If you're doing things right, you can have the first four items in about 30 minutes. I start off with a Meki Pendant and two health pots. I try to make my first buy a Sheen, Chalice, and level 1 Boots.
Summoner spells are Ghost and Clarity. Level 1 ability is his E, then from there I prioritize Q>W>E, picking up my ult whenever it's available.

With my rune page and masteries, I come in at about 65% crit chance before I get an elixir.

Edit: Also, any Vlad that harrasses you more than he last hits with Transfusion isn't the greatest Vlad in the world, but I feel there will be a disagreement that a 12 minute Warmog's on Vlad does amazing things.
My Vlad build? Warmog's, Rylai's, Sorc. Shoes, Zhonya's, Spirit Visage, Haunting Guise. The last two items are whatever really. The game will typically end by the time you land your Zhonya's.

Last edited by masterhickle; 12-4-2010 at 03:35 PM..
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