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Old 11-13-2016, 11:19 AM   #1386
scumfan is scared of aa
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Default Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Care to explain that one a little better?
I mean storn's town idk what else you want me to say friend. Just kidding, I elaborated on it in my catch up mega post and I didn't really feel like typing it again lol

Now, I don't know why you are latching onto the gamble point. Haku brought up that voting V is a gamble himself, even though it's just voting for an inactive. The only reason I could think of that it could be a gamble is if he's voting his partner. So I called him out. He didn't give me a very good response.
Wouldnt voting on an inactive be a gamble anyways? Because there's no way to really know unless someone has a check or a wolf, so that's why it'd be a gamble, did that not cross your mind?

Andy on the other hand has way too many weird posts to let alone. I've covered Andy pretty intensely already and would expect you to already be familiar with why I think he's scum, but you defend him largely on the grounds that it looks like I'm picking on the new guy. I could give you this as a fair enough point (picking on the new guy can be kind of a dick move) except that I bet you can't defend what Andy's actually been posting
It's hard for me to read that interaction any differently. Why else would you ask for a reaction? In my experience that's kind of a no no.

Go ahead, quote and explain some of his posts today. Start with the cointoss and work your way up. Defend that shit.

Assuming you can't (I don't believe you can any better then Andy already has) then you're going to have to realize that when you play TWG that bad you deserve to get called the fuck out. If me calling people out makes me scummy in your eyes then you probably should redefine what "scum" means to yourself.
Pretty good assumption and belief considering I'm the one and only DFR. It's not the fact that you called him the fuck out it's how you called him the fuck out.

As for AA dying, I legit have never been in or even read a game where that was a thing. I in no situation thought people could die in the middle of the day and it was really fucking jarring.
Fair enough haha

Why did you read him town in the beginning again?
Because he was posting like... actual content and it was super hype and then he just got confusing.

You seriously think I am more scummy then Andy?

Again, you're welcome to defend him with more then "Lar picks on new guy" any minute you are ready to.
Again, it's the interaction thing. y'all both are kinda weird but I don't see it w/w. And the way you were interacting you're the w in the w/v.

Nothing has changed your belief because NoThING IS THERE HE STOPPED POSTING YOU IdIOT
+1 for formatting. I'm a gs fan get over it~

Should totally check out the work Shado has since done. I think he makes a decent case on Zenith although up to this point I had him in my town pile.
Is it the whole tell thing and stating absolutes when he shouldn't have?[/quote]

Why are you here?
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