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Old 02-12-2019, 12:31 AM   #20
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 25
Default Re: why does nobody here make jokes?

Originally Posted by kawaiifu View Post
inb4 haku made a joke because i can never tell with you and i take the post mostly seriously. This place was my first rhythm game forum (i guess 2nd if you count lurking the Frets on Fire wikidot in the early 00's) and that quote holds true to the moment i first set foot in a rhythm game forum, or at least i believed it did. from when i was young, i remember questioning myself on almost everything i posted. like some kind of anxiety-driven demagoguery machine (demagoguery is actually a word trust me i just googled, fuck yeah earth), I'd throw away every natural instinct or better natured expression I was capable of because I was afraid of the permanency of my actions, I wanted my posts to be liked, to stay liked, to be undisputed. basically just wanted to feel like i'd found actual people who could do what i couldn't and actually respected what i had to offer. I wanted to fit in and i wanted to get good, I wanted to prove to others I could improve at this game almost as much as I wasn't aware that I was the only person who doubted I could.

Worlds like this can often glamorize perfection and other ideals, but after some time coming to terms with humanity i've realised no single body gives nearly as many fucks about what you do as much as you do, they're more genuinely likely to be interested in whose doing it rather than what is being done. people care about people, they rarely truly give a fuck about differences, those differences just give us something to talk about.

If we get caught up on sets people apart, we'll forget why we're all here in the first place, the mutual interest

the arrows are a pastime, the arrowsmashers are a reminder we're not all as lost as we think. forget perfection, its your flaws i love most ffr
Can lowkey relate to this-
I don't post online nor talk in chatrooms nor in real life too much and it's because of what you said. I find it incredibly hard to come up with words to say, even if I fully recognize the implicit ideas in the context of the conversation. It isn't quite caused by autism because some of the most prolific posters here are on the spectrum and know how to hash out well-thought posts on the daily.

Some more consequences of caring too much about what others think include: taking too long to come up with a username -- taking too long to come up with an avatar -- not really feeling like you have an identity out of fear that they'll criticize you if you express that identity
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