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Old 02-29-2012, 11:35 PM   #3028
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Anaru View Post
i meant ranked 3s are a joke because a lot of the time even losing teams can just farm using the fountain turret if they're pushed far back and out of luck ace your team and go for the nexus

also ranked 3s are a joke if u have jungle awareness & good team comp
y u do u think all the 1800+ 3s teams have like 1 loss
OP Champs like Fiora come into play. It is all about who has the upper hand in Farm. But also, people don't realize that 3s is just as tough in some areas. In 3s, you are likely to get dived often, so you need to either tough it out and beat them using tower, or just let them take the tower. + In my personal preference, I hate playing matchs that take too long, thats why I think the longest 3s game I've played was like 50 mins. On Average, I'd say most games take around 20-30 minutes, which isn't bad, better than the 5s for 40-60 average.
On a side note: Riven Solo Top, Master Yi Jungle GG. 15-3 Riven again a double lane (Volibear + Naut). 16-6 Yi would carve into their Fiora and then their Ahri. It was fun to be the tank on Riven, My build was
[Ninja Tabi, Frozen Mallet, Zeke's Herald, Warmogs, Wriggles Lantern, and Atma's Impaler.]
I had very close to 4500 health, with 333+ AD. I was able to 1v4 easily until my friends got there. Overall a fun game.

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