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Old 05-10-2012, 12:02 PM   #3930
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by speeddemon View Post
You're ignoring quite a few champions and situations there.

You're probably one of those people who would've looked at a jungle Twitch after the rework and dodged or something, no matter that it's perfectly viable.
not really. twitch is a perfectly viable jungler and i've never dodged based on other people's champ selections. youmuu's is useless not because it sucks, it's because there are simply a bunch of items better than it in almost every situation. the only champions that can even realistically make any use of it in the first place are bruisers, and bruisers have to focus their gold to build beefy defensive items while getting 1-3 damage items usually. Youmuu's simply doesn't give enough to warrant using up one of those slots on a bruiser as it only gives like 20 or 30 armpen which by late game on a bruiser doesn't do a whole lot, a small amount of ad, and a decent amount of crit. It has a nice active, but that doesn't make up for it's shortcomings elsewhere, you're much better off building bt if you want straight up damage/sustain, lw if you want armpen, wits end if you want more dps, and atmas (even after the nerf, still fine, just no longer a "must get")
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