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Old 06-19-2017, 06:56 PM   #6
Spun a twirly fruitcake,
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Default Re: ITT talk about your role model(s)

Gonna go on a rant here.
Prepare for loads of side-tangents.

Lifestyle: Mahatma Gandhi
As people may recall from the gun reform thread, I am vehemently against violence. Even in self-defense, I believe violence is not the solution, as you're lowering yourself to their level.
If someone wants to kill me, I'll try to talk him/her out of it, obviously. But if that person is not convinced by my ideology or is simply unreasonable, then I feel I'll die the better person by not resorting to violence. I'd accept the knife/bullet with open arms and make my pacifist statement that way.
Ghandi's satyagraha-philosophy of nonviolence and adherence to the truth I feel should be implemented globally. Though this is unlikely, naive and some would argue unrealistic given human nature, it is something to strive for.
Utopia will never be feasible on this planet, but we can at least work towards it and perhaps get close to it. We may disagree with what utopia would be. Personally nonviolence and factuality are a must.
Besides Ghandi's ideologies, I admire his activism which I lack confidence for.
On a minor note, but still related to Ghandi, I am mostly a vegetarian, but not zealous.
Also his dissatisfaction towards alcohol usage I agree with. This does not mean I am pro banning alcohol or any other drug for that matter, as it would give the black market a monopoly. I would want to see it all regulated to prevent as many harmful side-effects as possible, while not restricting people's freedom to do what they want with their own body.
I would rather it didn't exist at all, or didn't have the effect (maybe people will eventually become resistant to the effects). But even then, people will find a new drug.

Musically: Claude Debussy
Music is an integral part of my life, and often kept me from losing confidence in this disgusting world.
Debussy had done what I was doing before I knew of his music: creating a mood with music that expresses a sort of beautiful melancholy.
1850 and before musical harmonies, chord usage and structure seemed very strict. Composers tried their something new from time to time, maybe once or twice per piece, but never strayed far from the accepted norm.
This probably had more to do with the academies that only published / marketed music that adhered to these rules.
Sadly from 1950 and onwards, contemporary classical composers kind of lost the idea of music being for listening to. I appreciate the effort, admire the technical understanding and will likely never be able to create anything of the sort. But from a listener's standpoint, it sounds like an intellectual showpiece rather than something to listen to.
But around the 1900s, during the impressionist era, people like Erik Satie, Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy were conveying a feeling, an atmosphere or a vibe through their music.
Satie's Gymnopedies are an obvious choice, but don't aren't close to my heart.
Ravel's Tzigane is one of my favourite classical pieces. Introduction and Allegro and Jeux d'Eau are not to be forgotten.
But Debussy takes the cake. Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp, Des Pas sur la Neige, his Cello Sonata, Syrinx. They all paint a mental picture when I listen to them and synchronize perfectly with my state of mind.
This ability to use dissonance and unconventional progressions to paint a sad yet beautiful picture is something I aspire to be able to do with my own music.

I am gonna go full weeb now.
As an ideal picture for my adult life: Alice Margatroid
A solitary life, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Where I can devote all my time and attention to my hobby, that being music for me.
Here I could leave my doors unlocked, as none of my possessions are of significant worth; unless they feel inclined to steal a piano.
Though an introverted person, I would happily open my house for people passing by. Provide shelter and something to drink, but not much of a warm / comforting host.
Make a living by performing. Appreciation for my art is worth more to me than money.
Obviously I'd like to be able to "abandon food" like Alice, but that's very unlikely to happen.
I'd also rather not become a youkai, or a magician for that matter.
Would not be able to live a life of solitude if I were a magician.
This last part is more a fantasy, but her "role" in fiction is a "model" for my reality.

Honorable mentions:
My dad:
A cynical rationalist whose noncommittal lifestyle and nonchalant approach has helped me through puberty and helped me to confront life issues in general.
He is quite joyless though, a road which I hope I can stray from.

I am not a religious person, and if only he weren't connected to a religion, I'd not feel so hesitant to have him as a role model.
Whether he existed or not, his ideology of pacifism and tolerance even to your enemies and in times of despair is something I agree with and even to this day I have unintentionally followed most of the rules described in the new testament.
I'm not expecting me to be the next jesus, but it's a good role model.

Other stuff:
I am an advocate of a technocratic government, well aware of the loss of vote from the people and the possible nepotism. But if done well, policy and laws would be factual and prevent outside interests.
Could go on another rant about this.

I'd also like to have 3 kids.

Well then.
That was fun.
Let the mockery begin.

Originally Posted by bluguerilla
So Sexy Robotnik (SKG_Scintill) {.0001/10} [--]

Last edited by SKG_Scintill; 06-26-2017 at 02:05 PM..
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