Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-26-2020, 08:41 AM   #451
Andrew WCY
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 253
Default Re: Coronavirus

SK8R, if so many people are willing to spend the time and effort to reply to you with posts containg sources of information they regard valid, shouldn't you at least acknowledge their efforts and thank them for their sharing? They're not only worried about how your thoughts would affect people who see them, but also YOUR OWN SAFETY. We're talking about a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and is still killing many more to this day. This is no light matter.

You really should think about why others are (quite frankly) getting a bit angry at you for not believing in what they're saying. There's a very good reason for that.

That being said, I'm still open for talking to if you're up for it. If you don't want to talk about it, well, that's your choice and I respect that. But know that what you say later on might net a lot of negative responses.

Last edited by Andrew WCY; 09-26-2020 at 08:54 AM..
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