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Old 01-28-2014, 02:42 PM   #76
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Default Re: My depersonalization over the last year

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX View Post
I hate that though. "simply make a rule saying you can't sell herbal incense products that contain synthetic cannabinoids." Because you know the depth of that. It's impossible. The problem still lies in impossibility.
At the bottom line, yes. Any extra footsteps for them to take to get to the point to where they are selling these things, they will likely still likely take.

But that doesn't mean that someone undercover could waltz in, buy a pack, take it to a laboratory, show the results to a judge, and have them taken away immediately. A pain in the ass for the sellers and for police, but it's the only thing I can foresee happening that isn't an awareness campaign.

So ye, making people aware. And not scare tactics either. If I were to go about it, I would just be straight with how these things actually work. You've been doing research into why these substances can be damaging to the physical brain, people need to have that on their mind and not just the image of a "bad trip" (Reefer Madness type example lol).

It's hard for the average person who just "wants to get high" to understand what they're getting into. That's why you see people smoking salvia thinking it will be like getting stoned. Ohboy.

"K2/Spice is a really, really dangerous drug. It is best described as crystal meth and LSD combined and ten times stronger."
I understand the good intentions by labelling this drug as something just as potentially harmful, but saying that it's a really strong dirty candyflip is not the case, and a false comparison. You're better off comparing it to PCP for it's dissociative effects, not something ridiculous like a full body stimulant x10, and a 10 strip of acid. Delirious, dissociative effects like you might get on a bad salvia trip, but without the intense hallucinogenic effects, is closer still. Sorry if it sounds like I'm asserting some sort of authority here, I'm not, I just don't want you to go around talking to people as if it were like meth + acid. That's more in the realm of bath salt related designer drugs.

Last edited by Spenner; 01-28-2014 at 02:49 PM..
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