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Old 11-17-2018, 05:12 PM   #20
Shout out to Hades
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Default Re: Sillyfangirl is a god wtf!?

Originally Posted by QueenAshy View Post
Exactly. So that means that she should be more sympathetic about me being misgendered, and she should know exactly how it feels.
I genuinely laughed out loud because of this. It shows how far gone some people have taken this "misgender" stuff.
To what I said prior is people say things without knowing. People misspell the word "your" when meaning to spell "you're" all the time.
THEN YOU GET THE PEOPLE THAt COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND ARE LIKE "IT'S YOU'RE" WAH WAH WAH. This is the same situation. If someone is unaware of something and you're aggressively correcting someone, it makes you look like a douchebag imo. There is a nice way to do things and a not so nice way. I can promise you nobody purposely attempts to misgender people, it happens because people are unaware which i'm going to assume is what happened when I made my comment. For perfect example QueenAshy! I had no idea you were trans until you openly talked about it on the forum. That being said I could have VERY EASILY misgendered you, which then you would have gotten all upset at me for not knowing something we had never talked about. Seems fair, right?

90% of the time when people misgender it's not meant to be a threat it's because people are unaware of said persons gender. So the be mad at someone for that is just plain silly and selfish. You honestly sit there and believe people genuinely want to say hurtful things to people they don't know?
This is a huge problem that's been coming up in the past few years or people being upset or offended at people for not understanding their emotions or their beliefs, but at the same time they aren't willing to understand others emotions or beliefs. Sometimes you need to learn to agree to disagree and understand not everybody will agree or accept your personal life choices. This doesn't mean the person is quote on quote "trying to attack me by not accepting who I am". Why cause more hate when we can learn to accept each other the way we are? I'm sure if people were less aggressive and more open minded about their beliefs in ANYTHING, everybody will be a lot more open to listening rather than it quickly turning into arguments. This can fit into anything like religion, gender, do you put ketchup on your mac and cheese, pineapples on pizza, etc.

This is something i'd love to figure out, but I don't think will ever find the answer to sadly.
I'm a bad bad Boy.
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