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Old 01-10-2016, 09:20 AM   #68
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Default Re: So apparently people are mad that Stepmania was on AGDQ

Originally Posted by PhantomPuppy View Post
lol if nobody volunteered to play iidx or ddr at agdq, why are they complaining?
because -- and I am not even exaggerating -- they are entitled enough to think someone should have contacted them about it by now.

as in, they think something along these lines:

"if someone who knew what music games existed could have contacted an AGDQ person to do a music game, well then of course they would have wanted IIDX on there, it's obviously the hardest."

very few of them will be able to wrap their brains around the fact that it's equally difficult to be the best at SM despite its four key layout. they think that increasing the complexity of an activity = increasing how hard it is to be top-tier at that activity. so, seven keys and a wrist/elbow movement will necessarily be harder to them.

while it's true that the *potential difficulty* is harder since peak note density is harder, but no one is at that point. as long as there's a skill ceiling for either game -- and there isn't -- winning will be extremely hard in both activities.

but they will never understand this. their time investment in this community (and the fact that, for many people, their entire social circle is the community) means that they can't imagine IIDX *not* being the hardest (it isn't; BMS has harder 7k charts), the "highest quality" (this is an arbitrary goal as countless debates in SM have proven) -- whatever excuse or outright delusion they have to tell themselves to justify their money/time they will.

it wouldn't be so frustrating if it weren't so clearly self-deluding. this is the same kind of thought process that keeps people from resistance training because weights are for 'meatheads', just applied to a single game and not an activity. it's ridiculous.
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