Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 03-29-2020, 12:18 PM   #165
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Default Re: Coronavirus

I work for a large printing company that has over 70 locations across Canada and currently only about 15 branches remain operational at the moment while all the others have closed, since they're non-essential. I'm currently working at one of the only operational branches right now because it was deemed "essential" by head office, just working reduced hours (7 hour days instead of the usual 8), short-staffed, and being closed from the public.

I've been doing a lot of emergency COVID-19 related printing and design work, although I'm running around like a headless chicken because I have to manage administration, designing, printing, and finishing since my branch is short-staffed (coworkers being in mandatory quarantine and my manager is working from home).

At any day, this could change and head office could order my branch to close its doors, if there's absolutely 0 work coming in. At the moment, it's a day-by-day as most of the closed branches in the area are forwarding their orders to my branch and some days I'm just simply overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do, and unfortunately I don't have the option of working from home.

My workplace is located in the lobby of a big office building, and every business has closed their doors or shut down. There was actually a confirmed positive case in my building, but I guess the good news to come out of that is that it was a one-time visitor that was only in the building for a couple hours a couple weeks ago. Since then, the property management have taken extensive sanitation measures and currently the building is on lock down from the public, only allowing employees into the building. Still though, that's a scare that's a little too close for comfort, considering I'm still going into the office every weekday for the time being...

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