Thread: fuck Georgia
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Old 05-15-2019, 06:38 PM   #110
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Default Re: fuck Georgia

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
you know the only thing worse than people who complain about things that don't matter are people who complain about things that do matter and then don't do anything about it

on a note more related to the topic of the thread, this legislation does have practical impact on my living as a male in new york

gilliabrand is going to milk the shit out of it and maybe even get a boost from doing so but it's mostly going to remind me of how flagrantly she lied when she declared she wouldn't run for president 2 weeks before midterms and then not 2 months later declared an exploratory committee, which of course, she had to have most of the pieces in/falling into place around, i don't know, probably 2 weeks before mid terms

and then that's going to remind me about how everyone laughs it off like starting your presidential campaign by flatly lying about the fact that you are going to have one is just some giggle worthy thing that we expect elected representatives to do and of course nobody is going to hold her to account for it

and that annoys me and maybe even makes me a little angry, but then i realize that's why half the population doesn't give a shit about government or civics or exercising the voting rights most people in the world don't have, limited as they potentially may be

because it's all full of shit, and enabling people who are full of shit makes you full of shit, and then what you get is a government of shit which you deserve

either you care and it matters to you and you do something about it, or you don't

binary choice

full disclosure i didn't read any of the thread i just wanted to whine about my senator and im like really bored
Gillibrand is trash and flip-flops to try to read the wind on the electorate. Her phony pivot where she pulled sponsorship on S.720 Anti-Israel Boycott Act is all the evidence you need. Not sure why you need to keep searching.

Also not sure why you need to make this thread about Gillibrand or about you. It's about women having their bodily autonomy repeatedly denied by a GOP government that's steered by evangelical Christians. Maybe get your narcissism checked out?

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