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Old 03-1-2012, 12:23 AM   #3034
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Anaru View Post
i guess that would work

i just never liked ap on sion because it doesn't help much with sustainability (his E does use HP, and he is a melee char) if you get the full build ap sion def. playable
Yeah, I've seen most Sion's play AD, and I mostly play an AD Sion, but After vs'ing AP Sions lately, It looks like he had a hidden "buff". Also I've seen people use Boots of Mobil for the bubble.
When I play on my Windows, we should play sometime.
Some Insight on the new champ: I was playing Udyr Jungle v Fiora Jungle, which was okay I guess, her AD Scale is unthinkable. She had like 244 AD with just a BF Sword at level 14 or something like that, She had Lantern, BF Sword, Berserk Greaves, and Vamp Scepter. But her Move Speed and AS is what intrigues me. I saw her get up to 550 without White Buff in 3s and she had 1.8+ AS with all that damage, Very broken, but I see a nerf where those numbers are halved, with 1.5 AS With no Additional AS besides Boots, and Move speed instead of a normal of 450 to 400 without fast boots.

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