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Old 01-13-2012, 11:50 PM   #1897
FFR Player
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Default Re: League of Legends

It's really far more stressful than it should be to get anywhere in ranked. I leave that thing alone, mostly, simply because you cannot carry 4 other people. I've had matches where i manage to get over thirty kills and practically single handedly push back their lanes to the inhibitors still without carrying. If you ranged carry, chances are your team doesn't know how to disrupt them well enough for you to function and your positioning won't matter. If you're a tank or a support your team will not do enough damage, or they'll focus the wrong people, or simply have no focus. If you're a bruiser you have the best chance of carrying, but then your team is likely to be off jacking it in god knows where, getting ganked and leaving you to defend 1v5 over and over. To actually get anywhere you either have to have a team you know and can function appropriately with, or get extremely lucky until you get to the point where most of the derps are weeded out.
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