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Old 01-24-2015, 11:51 AM   #2
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Default Re: TWG CXXVI: Tales of FFR: Postgame

1. Mrpopadopalis ----- FictionJunction ----Vigilante –---- Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
----- May vigi a player during any night phase
----- after the first vigi, Fiction may vigi again 2 nights later.
------------- If Fiction and Snpowcrafta Vigi each other in the same night, the kills will cancel

2. Arntronach ----- NFD ----- Protector ----- Genis Sage (Tales of Symphonia)
----- Protects Fiction, will sacrifice himself to save him. Power only works for the night phase
----- If the protection attempt is successful, NFD will die in Fiction's place

3. BlindReper1179 ----- Svaz------ Healer ----- Colette (Tales of Symphonia)
----- One revival per game, Is cardflipped on use of revival
------------------------ Is muted for 24 hours when she uses her power.
----- If she discovers where her power comes from, Will unlock a second revive.
---------------Svaz only gets one chance to unlock her second revive, If she guesses wrong she will be muted (24 hours) again.

4. Choof ----- Afrobean ---- Heavyweight Psychic –---- Regal (Tales of Symphonia)
----- When attacked/lynched/vigi’d, will survive for an additional phase before dying.
----- Gets A PM during this phase disclosing the number of attackers

5. J-rodd123 ----- Aperson ---- Genius researcher ----- Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
----- May research one character every phase and find out their true intentions (diagnose entire role pm).
----- Results come back two night phases later
----------- If Fish captures svaz, Aperson will be notified first about the workings of Omega
----------- If svaz is captured, Aperson may research either svaz or fish to release svaz from the control of Fish

6. Mellonxcollie --- Talisman --- Researcher --- Keele Zeibel (Tales of Eternia)
----- May research one player and immediately discover their intentions (receives role pm)
------------------- Fish will return only his human half of his PM.

7. Xelnya ----- Vendetta21 ---- Roleblocker ----- Presea Combatir (Tales of Symphonia)
----- Can block one role a night, Cannot block wolvings.

8. Psychoangel691 ----- IPatch ---- Human Knight ----- Schwann Oldre/ Raven (Tales of Vesperia)
-----Knows the identities of Fish and Omega

9. TPS222 ---- Omeganitros ---- Human Knight ----- Flynn (Tales of Vesperia)
-----Knows the identities of Fish and Ipatch

10. thesunfan ---- All_That_Chaz ---- Protector --- Sodia (Tales of Vesperia)
----- Protects Omega, will sacrifice herself to save him. Power only works for the night phase
----- If the protection attempt is successful, All_That_Chaz will die in Omega's place

11. Yo man im awesome---- Vash ---- Human ---- Random townsfolk (Tales of Symponia/Vesperia/Eternia)
----- No special abilities/ powers

12. Red Blaster ---- Top ----- Wise Dwarf ----- Lloyd's Dad (Tales of Symphonia)
----- Knows how to unlock svaz's second revive power. (Her power stems from the planet)
----- Also knows that svaz's second revive power will kill him.

13. Emerald0000 ----- Snowcrafta ---- Wolf Vigilante ---- Zagi (Tales of Vesperia)
----- Additional objective: Must Kill Fiction. If he does, secures an extra vigi.
----- One time Vigilante
----- At the cost of his own life, he may sacrifice himself to kill another player
----- These abilities can only be used at night.
------------- If Fiction and Snowcrafta Vigi each other in the same night, the kills will cancel

14. Tokzic ---- Shox ---- Protector wolf ---- Decus (Tales of Symponia (DoaNA)
------- Protector power for Fish, Shox may protect Fish from any kill attempt over the following day/night phase
------- If the protection attempt is successful, Shox will die in fish's place

15. YoshL ---- Fish ---Master Wolf/Head Knight---- Alexi (Tales of Vesperia)

----- Master Wolf, Directly controls Shox and Chardish,
----- Knows the identities of Omega and Ipatch.
----- Knows how to unlock svaz's second revive power. (Her power stems from the planet)

One time use crystal: Use the mind control crystal on svaz D3/N3.
------ Fish will be revealed to his knight counterparts (Omega/Ipatch) when this happens
------ This causes svaz to function as an additional wolf, through she may still speak normally.
------ If Fish is lynched while in control of Svaz, Svaz will die instead.
Fish controls her powers and votes until she is freed or dies.

16. Jtehannonymous ---- DarkManticorex2 ---- Harbinger ---- Duke(Tales of Vesperia).

----- Must eliminate Fish before he takes control of svaz by any means necessary.
----- DarkManticoreX2 is not killable by anything other then over 50% lynch or Fiction vigi kill. (does not find this out until Fish captures svaz)

If Fish takes control of svaz, Tsutter will be released.
-----Manti will then attempt to wipe out all wolves and humans.
-----If Manti is not lynched in 2 day phases he will win and everyone will loose.
-----Manti gains the knowledge that he is only vulnerable to consecutive attacks or an instalynch
AAA's = 800

Originally Posted by V
Manti, I apologize for insulting you. Let the record show that I am a prickass douche, and not only that, but that I am a terrible player.

Last edited by DarkManticoreX2; 01-24-2015 at 02:59 PM..
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