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Old 10-11-2013, 04:01 PM   #12
Beach Bum Extraordinaire
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Default Re: MixMasterLar: AMA

do you like being master of produce

I actually love my job. About 45% of my entire area shops at my store and it makes me feel all kinds if warm and fuzzy inside XD. I get to play Produce manager while the actual Produce Manager is away on leave; he'll be back by November and I'll be his assistant again. That's also a cool job because my boss, Torrey, is awesome as shit. Name a boss you had that's just straight up given you rum? yeah thought so.

what does hi19 think about your self-proclaimed title of master of produce?

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quit talking so loud or he'll hear and revolt!

what's your favourite TV Show?
That's actually kind of a hard one. I think my favorite sitcoms would be Fresh Prince, Becker, and Fraiser. I use to enjoy Gilligan's Island alot when I was very little as well. As far as other shows go, Mythbusters was awesome whenever it first started coming out and I also liked old school Family Guy (I have the first three seasons and was rewatching them the other night). I've honestly haven't had cable in years, so I don't watch alot of TV anymore. I have alot of movies though. Rocky (the first one), Back to the Future (all three) Glory and Jet Li's Fearless and among my absolute favorites. Glory is very sentimental to me as father was a civil war re-enactor when it was being filmed ---- they literary asked the civil war reenactment groups to play extras, and my dad was one of them. Yes, that means I was actually on set at age 1. Not sure why I'm pointing all this out...I usually try not to brag since he's only visible in a few small scenes....

We've talked anime before. As of right now I want to re-watch Gurren Lagann so that's the favorite ATM.

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

Fort Pickens, Pensacola Beach. I and a lady friend have been wanting to go for weeks but our work + the fort being closed due to the government shutdown makes it a no-go. If I had to pick somewhere outside the US I always wanted to visit Germany.

Why did I not know who you were until TGB episode 4?

I was a shit poster with horrible grammar and took things waaaaaaaaaaayyy too seriously. I'm actually in the DotY 2006 thread getting easily trashed by Rai Rai and (I think) Jurs. It took me until DotY 2007 before I could actually post with any merit but by then I was working on SiU and making some crappy simfiles. I'm thinking you stayed in TGB and ODI doing this time so we simply just didn't hang in the same circles 86% of the time.

You're awesome as shit

The feeling's mutual, good sir

Keep 'em coming guys, I strangely enough enjoy these.

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Last edited by MixMasterLar; 10-11-2013 at 04:04 PM..
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