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Old 05-29-2012, 01:30 AM   #4067
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by speeddemon View Post
This. Find one person you synergize really well with and roll with them. I would say avoid duoqueueing bot because it can backfire pretty well, but if you guys are good enough at utterly shutting down the enemy and carrying a game then go for it. Had a flawless record duoing soraka/graves, and pretty much any time you pick up someone like WW and snowball in top you're set for the game if you have at least one other competent person. Since you're down in the late 700s pubstomping champs are perfectly viable and can make gaining elo that much easier if you can get fed.
I used to duo as Soraka and my bud as Graves. We could literally shut down bottom lane almost every game and eventually carry the team. Probably can't happen anymore with the new gameplay and experience changes, but it was pretty fun.
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