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Old 09-26-2018, 11:33 AM   #159
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Default Re: VISA/Mastercard blocks payment to Horowitz Center because of SPLC

Originally Posted by rayword45 View Post
My experience in a pre-Trump college environment is limited to 2 months, and I know that anecdote doesn't trump statistics, but I'm really struggling to imagine an academic scenario where people are literally doxxed for being Trump supporters.

I can 100% believe most college professors identify as left-leaning but that's a far fucking cry from Trumpettes being silenced
i rly rly shouldn't have to look up/point you to all the times ppl have been fired from their job or driven off of sites like tumblr because they didn't do what the left/liberal majority wanted them to do. all the people who brought those stupid ass tiki torches out to rally and got fired from their jobs? remember when JonTron tried to share political opinions and since hes terrible at expressing himself sounded like a big tool and got his voice removed from Yooka-Laylee and went into prolonged hiatus?

of course when its racist dumbasses on facebook it looks good on them. but when its people on tumblr who draw your favourite character "not fat enough" and you start flinging shit at them, hunting them down, and driving them off your platform? these are just two examples i can think of right off the top of my head. of course don't forget our good ole boy Alfred MacDonald who got called in front of his professor/department head and told to simmer down or w/e for raising the point that LGBTQ+ people like himself and his partner at the time get killed/murdered for their sexuality in majority Muslim countries.

b rb gotta poop

edit: maybe they're not being systematically doxxed off campus but they sure make it hard for them to have republican campus groups and meetings

ON CAMPUS - The Isolation of College Libertarians - New York Times

Originally Posted by NYT
Often it is more overt. When Christina Hoff Sommers, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, spoke on Bucknell’s campus a few weeks ago, members of the audience shouted her down. During the Q. and A. segment, a professor repeatedly interrupted Dr. Sommers, setting a poor example for students to respectfully disagree with her opinions.

Dr. Sommers was critiquing campus politics and intersectional feminism, so things were bound to get heated. Issues deserve spirited debate. But baseline hostility to conservative thought makes productive conversation difficult.

[...] when educators react so violently to ideas and controversy, they shrink the intellectual space of the university environment. They foster an academic atmosphere in which students refuse to question progressive orthodoxy. Worse, some students shy away from asking questions, knowing the social price they might pay


At a time of increased political tension in the country, it is also important for colleges to push students to learn how to grapple with different views.
According to this study "conservative students are the most likely to fear that their political views could be criticized as “offensive,” and they are most likely to fear retaliation from professors in the form of lower grades."

and theres no shortage of sentiments being shared that some students with conservative opinions have fears of expressing them on campus

Originally Posted by Liberty Fuchs
“When it comes to Black Lives Matter and the question of what really is holding back certain communities that mostly consist of people of color, I stay silent. Even though these issues are very important to me, no one wants to hear a white girl talk about race issues, even if my views are fairly pragmatic.”

Originally Posted by Jennifer Custis
"There is a girl in the teacher’s college and she works for University Housing, and she fears losing her job if people find out that she’s conservative," Jennifer Custis, president of the College Republicans and political science senior, said. "This isn't just in University housing too. There is obviously a liberal bias with professors, and many students fear that if they express conservatism, it will reflect in their grades."

(6k likes, 4.5k rt)

and then theres some good shit from the ACLU:


Last edited by melonpapes; 09-26-2018 at 12:15 PM..
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