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Old 07-31-2022, 11:23 AM   #20
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Default Re: Leaderboard D9 new name and color

Originally Posted by sff_writer_dan View Post
Will the lower divisions be adjusted too? I'd suggested something like

D1 00-30 (31)
D2 31-50 (20)
D3 51-62 (12)
D4 63-72 (10)
D5 73-82 (10)
D6 83-92 (10)
D7 93-101 (9)
D8 102+
A while ago, with the goal of making the divisions be smaller or at least not larger as you moved up the divisions. D3 being 9 skill ratings big and D5 being 14 just really made no sense except from a perspective of placing the divisions around the player list to make the number of PLAYERS in each division get smaller, which is sort of the backwards way to go around it when we don't have a system where people gain ranking at the expense of others losing ranking.

Do you think this problem gets solved by just finally making completely explicit the lack of connection between "Division on the leaderboard" and "Division placement in the OT"?

Like, creating D10 for the people over 113 isn't forcing you to add a D10 to the OT and put only the D10 people into it with 8 songs just for them. The division placement in OTs should be the thing shaped around the players who sign up to create the most balanced tournament in terms of players per division and skill rating range per division. There's really not much difference between a 58 and 59 player, so creating this gulf between them for official competition seems very weird compared to putting 50s in with 10s and 69s in with 82s rather than looking at "Just the subset of people who signed up for the tournament" and splitting them up in a vacuum.
You essentially reached the same conclusion that I reached, so most of what you say I agree with ^^ Let me address this point by point.

For the division distribution you suggested, I am personally 100% ok with it. I dont think it's the same exact one Velo had ended up with, but it follows the same principles. I think if we wanted to make it even more relevant to how skill gains work, we could make it so the gaps are only decreasing (never equal), but that's a nit pick imo.

For the distinction between leaderboards division (LB div) and official tournament division (OT div), there has been people who voiced their concern regarding the confusion that it creates. I really do not want to step on Goldstinger's toes here so I'd prefer if he took the lead on a solution to this whenever he feels like it's a good time to do so.

Finally, regarding a D10, I think that although it would make sense with the normalisation of the ranges, the general opinion isn't favorable for LB divs that are that incredibly small. I personally wouldn't mind it, but I think it's fair to start by building up D9 first (which includes unlockables, tokens, usergroup, leaderboard name and color, etc) before we even think about a D10. Making these divisions meaningful outside of just a different section of the leaderboards gives proper incentive to reach it, and therefore makes the division less trivial to the rest of the community.

Last edited by xXOpkillerXx; 07-31-2022 at 11:24 AM..
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