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Old 08-6-2020, 12:53 PM   #10
The Dominator
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Default Re: Fastest Scroll Speed

My knowledge of customization in FFR is slim but I read at around 2.65-2.7x. The reading area seems so small though and I'd like to elongate it if possible. Some points though:

1) Being able to read at a faster scroll speed is better for playing faster stuff since your brain isn't forced to read large chunks of notes at one time. Having said that, there were really skilled players who could do incredible things with low speed mods (Dossar and Linus come to mind). Xmod players are an oddball thing in that they are going more from memorization and not actually "reading" what they are playing most times, but if there's anyone out there claiming to read the fastest, my money would be on xmod players.

2) Choosing the DISTANT mod allows you to use faster scroll speeds with the same effective speed, I think, because the distant mod compresses the reading field in the Y direction meaning that if "speed 1" moves a note 4 pixels up over a certain time interval, on 75% DISTANT "speed 1" moves the note 3 pixels up over the same time interval. That's just a theory idek if that's the case.

3) Choosing the MINI mod has similar effects to DISTANT only now you are compressing both the X and Y reading fields by around 50% and pretty much doubling their length. I can recall being able to read C1600 or so using this mod but it's been so long.

4) Having a longer reading field can have added benefits and allow you to read faster speeds.

5) I have a theory that downscroll is actually superior to upscroll because the arrows would feel like they were coming towards your fingers as opposed to away from them, giving a psychological edge of sorts. I could just be talking out of my ass, that's 99% of what I do and my colon hates me for it.

Last edited by Dynam0; 08-6-2020 at 12:59 PM..
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