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Old 08-15-2018, 09:20 AM   #9
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Default Re: My Little Pony distributes Childpr0n

I dont think it's fair to generalize any group due to the horrible actions and deeds of a subset of the group, regardless of the subset's involvement with the topic....

My hearts go out to the victims of this case, but that doesnt mean that anyone as part of the fandom should be persecuted or stigmatized per se. This isn't a good argument at all, but theres anime out there that's much worse in terms of pedophilic undertones, and theres also a case to be made for there being horrible deeds such as this and worse done by people who have no involvement with anything even remotely related to either.

Does the fandom congregate some shitty people into a common area? Sure, I could see that; but to say that only shitty people are a part of it, and that youd have to be into degenerate and illegal acts for being involved in a community, and that people need to stop being a part of something that they enjoy just because of a stigma, is a bit silly

I've known a lot of pretty bad people involved with the mlp culture, but I've also known a lot of good people; same with every group. I dont think it's fair to pile a bunch of good apples into a group of bad pears just because they both look similar enough on the outside.

I hope this asshole gets the punishment he deserves, but I also hope that there isnt a massive prejudice against a community due to asshole(s) within it, because I don't like the precedent of that
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