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Old 11-15-2006, 10:31 PM   #28
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Default Re: Your oppinion of Sony

Originally Posted by Magnafiend View Post
Not saying they did, but if they missed the fact that the batteries have a tendancy to EXPLODE, they aren't doing their job in making sure their product is not a hazard to the public before release, because exploding bateries are a BIG mess up. not saying sony was trying to make them explode, its just one of those "HOW COULD THEY MISS THAT!?!?!?!" type of things. The Lik Sang thing is what really pushed me over the line from "Wish they would put more time into making sure everything worked so consumers didnt get screwed over" to "YOU GREEDY CORPERATE JERK OFFS!"
I don't mind the fact that you dislike Sony because they sued Lik Sang to death. That was intentional.

Once again, I am going to say that Sony did not intentionally say, "scroo u customoors... i sell you dangerous stuff for srs". Dell built a laptop that needed a lot of power and what can Sony do but try to manufacture a battery pack that can support its power needs? Apparently it wasn't stable. Any other company could have tried making that battery and they probably would have ended up with the same results.

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons why they released the batteries was because they had no problems before. They saw it was okay and release it. It just so happens that problems started after it was released. There really was nothing they can do but call it back for people's safety.

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