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Old 10-19-2006, 01:54 PM   #13
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Default Re: TWG XXXVII

The one massive flaw in your logic that you decided to ignore when I first pointed it out:

Originally Posted by Afrobean View Post
You must know very well that, statistically, if he randomly blocks people, that he almost certainly won't find anyone with a time machine anyway.
He knew this. I didn't. Why, as a wolf, would I guess that there were very few time travellers and therefore say that every person I blocked doesn't time travel, especially when the whole THEME of this game is time travel? And even if I did guess that, it's not like Iggy was rolling a die to determine who to have me block...he could easily have given me one of the time-travelers, and if I was a wolf I'd have been done right there.

You say that it would "compromise someone else's role" to test me out on a time-traveler...but the time travelers, as far as I can see, haven't even had an effect on the game at this point. Seems to me that it would have the same effect as a one-time seering, and I seriously doubt that a bonus one-time seering is less useful than whatever the timetravel would accomplish the next day (although since I don't know what it does, this is just speculation).
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Originally Posted by Boogiebear
use ur bain. Itz there for a reason.
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