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Old 10-16-2006, 04:36 PM   #16
Tiny Plastic Meat
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Default Re: Yeah, so I gave blood today.

Wow, you guys are all pussies.

Giving blood is no big deal. The needles are NOTHING, especially since they do it in the crook of your elbow where there are very few nerves anyway.

I had an IV in the back of my hand once, which actually did hurt like effin' hell, because there are TONS of nerves there.

Anyway. I have given over a gallon (possibly 1.5?) of blood since I was 17 and allowed to do it. I usually bleed out in 5-10 minutes and get to leave after eating my cookie and drinking my juice, a total of maybe 30 minutes including the pre-donation paperwork and waiting. Although there was the one time I did it in less than 5 minutes and the vein kept gushing after and I had to stay in the mobile bloodmobile for an hour so they could check on me all the time.

I like giving blood. I like knowing that there will be enough of my own blood (type-wise at the least, if not personally mine) out there should I ever need it. Also, Tass and I are the same blood type (B+) so if he ever gets sick and needs blood I can donate to him (or his mom, she's B+ too). It doesn't go the other way though--he's too much of a wuss to donate blood even if I was dying. Bastard.
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