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Old 07-21-2006, 05:02 PM   #4
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Default Re: Misplaced nostalgia; why the NES sucks

Personally, the only thing I have a discrepancy with is that I enjoyed Super Mario Bros. 3 more than Super Mario World, but Super Mario World 2 was just the best of them all.

Also, Contra III honestly failed to match up with Contra.

Hated the original Zelda. Couldn't save without bombing a secret wall, and even then, turning off the console meant losing all your data. The original Mario was fun for speedrunning, but it was far too simple. Never played the original Metroid; started with Super Metroid. Original Kirby was fun, but Kirby Superstar was amazing.

I have to agree on the X-series Megaman games. It took me far too long to get all the upgrades in X2, but it was so worth it. Shoryuken the Sigma Virus ftw.

You could argue that the NES was just a lead-in to get people interested in the Super Nintendo, and I'd agree. Had it not been for the NES, I would never have played a game in my life. I wouldn't have purchased the SNES. I wouldn't have gotten an N64. Heck, I didn't even really get into it until Gamecube. I bought a Gamecube after the first price drop. Not even gonna bother waiting on the Wii. I know it'll own.
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