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Old 07-1-2006, 05:54 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 35
Default Re: You can't play FFR if..

Shep917: have u ever seen synthlight and them in person?
Spook Goblin: yeah
Shep917: really
Spook Goblin: i was in chicago when we all met up.
Shep917: really
Shep917: wow
Shep917: do u have any pictures from it?
Spook Goblin: no
Shep917: o
Shep917: what are they like?
Shep917: are they dorks?
Spook Goblin: we're all pedophiles.
Shep917: sweet
Spook Goblin: we have this site to attract young kids, like LD
Shep917: ....
Shep917: ur kidding me right
Spook Goblin: no
Spook Goblin: I'm serious
Shep917: lol....yah....
Spook Goblin: I was told I have to admit it now
Spook Goblin: court order.
Shep917: uhm....
Spook Goblin: so if you ask I have to tell you.
Shep917: hahahahaha
Shep917: r u serious
Shep917: ?
Spook Goblin: Yeah.
Spook Goblin: it was either this or go to jail.
Spook Goblin: we had the meeting in chicago to talk about a legal strategy to get out of this
Shep917: wait wait wait
Spook Goblin: Synth knows a good lawyer
Spook Goblin: so we're ok now
Shep917: i organized u in a van and made 1.72 for this?
Shep917: why did i ever organize u in a van
Shep917: WHY
Shep917: WHY
Shep917: wel....i made 1.72
Spook Goblin: Sure, whatever.
Shep917: what did u do in chicago?
Spook Goblin: We fondled LD
Spook Goblin: He liked it.
Shep917: ew
Shep917: what does synthlight look like?
Spook Goblin: Big beard, baseball cap, sunglasses.
Spook Goblin: He never took them off
Spook Goblin: Even indoors
Shep917: haha
Shep917: ur making me actually laugh
Shep917: stop bsing me
Spook Goblin: It's not BS
Spook Goblin: even ask them.
Shep917: ok
Shep917: il ask synth
Spook Goblin: Show them the IM log
Shep917: haha
Shep917: hes not answering
Spook Goblin: He';s a bit hesitant about admitting it.
Shep917: haha
Shep917: wait
Shep917: so ur saying that its a good thing that i didnt tell u my adress for hte 1.72
Shep917: that i had credits instead?
Spook Goblin: Oh... uh.. well, I don't know
Spook Goblin: I mean, if guys are what you are into..then I guess it is a bad thing
Shep917: would u all have shown up at my house
Spook Goblin: We talked about it.
Shep917: DUDE
Shep917: WTF
Shep917: W
Shep917: T
Shep917: F
Spook Goblin: Surprise.
Shep917: u scare me...
Spook Goblin: I cant be an admin at the site anymore because of my habits. thats why I deadmined myself
Spook Goblin: Do you have any pics?
Shep917: NO
Shep917: NO
Shep917: NO
Shep917: NO
Shep917: GO AWAY
Shep917: GO AWAY
Shep917: AH
Shep917: AH
Shep917: AH
Spook Goblin: ok
Shep917: i could beat the **** out of all of u at once
Spook Goblin: Unlikely.
Shep917: bunch of old ass pedophiles
Spook Goblin: You know you want it
Spook Goblin: RAW
Shep917: go away
Shep917: ah
Shep917: ah
Shep917: ah
Shep917: dont ever talk to me again
Spook Goblin: You're the one who IMed me, bud.
Shep917: ....
Spook Goblin: But it's ok. We can still be friends.
Shep917: nO
Spook Goblin: I'll just wait for you.
Shep917: uh
Shep917: uh
Shep917: uh
Shep917: im sending this to the police
Spook Goblin: It Happens.

WTF.....the admins are pedifiles?
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