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Old 06-5-2006, 03:18 PM   #1
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Default While Tass is away, the Whorli will play, but not with girls cuz not all girls be bi.

So Tass left a little while ago. He's gone to Europe (mostly everywhere except England, including the Czech Republic and Thessaloniki and other places I can't spell) and won't be back until June 29. I'm sure everyone who REALLY cares about him knows this already, and those who didn't are probably rejoicing right now

It's weird. I feel like I should be sad, but it's more like I'm in a holding pattern. As a friend of mine said, I've walled off the part of my brain that deals with him and put a time-lock on it. Of course, he'll be calling/e-mailing/etc. but it still feels strange without him.

And honestly, I should be used to this--for 2 years we were only together once every couple of months, and for the past year we've been together only on the weekends (long weekends, but still). It's only the last couple of weeks that we've been around each other 24-7, and yet I got used to it really fast.

I miss my Tass.

(Hmm...maybe I should have stuck this in CT? I'm awfully long-winded and corny.)
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