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Old 05-6-2006, 07:41 PM   #110
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Default Re: TWG XXXI: A Blast From The Past

There is silence for a moment. Every person on the ship sits in anxious anticipation of what is about to happen.

A sound comes from the side of the cabin. It is the unmistakable, focused noise of a lightsaber blade extending. It is red. The sound is heard twice more, and a blue and green blade appear, though nothing can be seen about their possessors.

The blue and green blades quickly converge on the red blade, and they clash and spark. The green blade is suddenly shut off as a sharp moan is heard, and a thud against the opposite wall of the red blade. The red and blue blades clash a couple more times, until the blue one, too, is shut off, and the sound is heard of the user falling to the floor. The red blade moves into the middle of the cabin.

"No! No! AAAAGGH!"

The humming of the red blade is subdued a bit as it cuts through flesh.

Moments after the blade recesses, the lights are on. The only voice that is heard is that of the pilot droid over the loudspeaker.

"Please excuse the electrical disturbance, we are having minor malfunctions. We assure you that life support..."

Everyone is standing up, far away from the body of HANSSKY, who lies in the center of the room. Actually, he lies left of center and right of center, as his torso has been cut down the middle. Everyone appears equally shocked, and no one is holding a lightsaber.

It is now Day 2. You have until Monday at 11:59 PM EST HANS IS DEAD
but for now... postCount++

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