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Old 12-5-2005, 10:37 AM   #128
FFR Player
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 409

Before people start getting their nipples in a knot, let me say something real quick. To each his own. It is literally impossible to make a simfile pack that EVERYBODY will enjoy. People will find basic flaws in every file they play. What you think is an amazing file, I may think it is mediocre; or what I find to be a great file, you may think it's nothing new. Everybody has their own style of sims which is why I tried putting a variety of entries in F5 (I think I did a damn good job at also!) There is no need to get so critical of the entries! Oh, and please, hold off on the annoying ego-stroking posts saying you can make a simfile in F5 SO MUCH BETTER! I am not saying you can't make them better, but chances are, nobody cares.

enjoy the files, guys

love, joe <3
you\'re dumb
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