Thread: DZ Files 4
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Old 12-15-2023, 05:33 PM   #21
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Default Re: DZ Files 4

Originally Posted by DarkZtar View Post
point is i probably should have known that ai art was touchy subject/viewed in a negative light by a sizeable amount of the community given i was asked to change bgs for mwc stuff and i didn't take the hint.
ai art is a touchy subject due to the ethical questions surrounding the use of human made art in the dataset, sure, but stepmania graphics is absolutely not the place to bring up ethics since, in some respects, outright stealing someone else's art and just slapping text and a filter on it in photoshop is worse
like are people upset because of copyright? for stepmania graphics that are almost always attached to a song with a copyright? lmao?

but i threw in a gfx txt info file this time around to at least give credit this time around.
part of the ethical discussion in regards to ai is also consent from those artists, doesn't matter if you credit them, if you didn't ask them explicitly that's where the problem lies. it's why ffr asks artists and labels for permissions first

also i still have 0 gfx/art skills, have been dealing with a sprained wrist, and have been running on <4 hours of sleep per night for basically the past 3 weeks at this point so don't expect much.
tbqh you are well known enough around here that you could just make your banners using that nps graph tool with solid black backgrounds and people will still play your charts

lemme put it this way, I saw framed mandalorian art for sale in la last weekend that was very clearly generated using ai and that upset me way more than ai stepmania graphics ever would

Last edited by _choof; 12-15-2023 at 05:37 PM..
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