Thread: StepCon 2023
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Old 10-22-2023, 01:10 PM   #67
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Default Re: StepCon 2023

Thanks so much to anyone who voted for me, super happy with getting 3rd- especially considering that a lot of people don't like dumps at all, glad there were some people who enjoyed my chart.

For anyone curious I'll write my ordering and ratings for each group below, with the ones I voted for (or would have voted for) in bold:
[A] - 6 & 7, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1
[A/10] - forgot to write down my ratings oops

[B] - 2, 6, 4, 1, 7, 5, 3
[B/10] - 9.5, 9.4, 9.1, 8.5, 8.4, 8, 7

{C} - 6, 3 (-aka me) & 5, 1 & 2, 4, 7
{C/10} - 8.9, 8.75 & 8.7, 8.6 & 8.6, 8.5, 8.4

[D] - 1, 4 & 5, 6, 3, 2
[D/10] - 9.2, 9.05 & 9, 8.9, 7.8, 3

[E] - 8, 3, 4, 2 & 5, 1 & 6, 7
[E/10] - 9.3, 8.8, 8.4, 8.1 & 8.1, 8 & 8, 7.7

Overall the competition for this was extremely intense, a huge congratulations to the winners of each class.

And for group C specifically, here are some more detailed thoughts on each chart (including my own, with me attempting to look at it in an unbiassed way)

{C6} - A little rough on the first drop (the one after the first buildup), with the layering not quite so good, but the main drop absolutely carried this chart with an extremely fun and accurate vocal dump. If I were to rate that section alone it would get something like a 9.7, there are a couple minor inconsistencies in which sounds are determined to be 'dumpable', and probably a couple other nit-picks, but other than that I felt it was an almost perfect representation of that section of the song.

{C3} - A quite creative dump chart that for the most part flows very well, but there were some areas (especially in the intro and first drop) where the start and end points (or speed) of the dumps corresponding to the vocals didn't quite line up, and left you feeling a bit awkward. This happens at a fair few points throughout the chart.
At the start of the first main drop the initial feeling was a bit lacking, but it was quickly connected into some more interesting dump patterns and rhythms. Maybe should have just replaced the first burst of that drop with something more interesting.
Overall it needs a bit more polish, and is a bit lacking in style consistency at times, but is a solid attempt at a dump chart.

{C5} - A extremely solid pick overall, probably the best constructed chart in terms of consistency and layering choices. There were a few points where I disagree with the layering choices, but ultimately they didn't affect the enjoyability too much. The main reason this isn't rated higher is because the chart itself is quite boring due to the fact that it doesn't express changes in vocals in any way- e.g. a vocal slide/pitch bend, vibrato, or just single held pitch- were all charted the exact same way, which lost a ton of the interesting parts of the song

{C1} - A solid pick that incorporated mainly the instrumentals, with vocals layered as jumps on top where relevant. Overall this pick was very similar to C5, the main differences being that the main drop was far more jacky.
The choices I disagreed with here were more egregious in my opinion though, like some of the jacks slightly overextended their welcome with anchors, or switching between gluts and jumptrills in the snare buildup sections, and there wasn't much creative flair, so it ended up being rated slightly lower than C5.

{C2} - Very fun usage of dumps and minijacks in the main drop section. The problem with this chart is some of the choices in everything before the main drop.
For the intro/buildup, it felt like the charter was deathly afraid of minijacks, and wanted to make the chart as easy as possible, then in the first drop you get jumpscared with two vocal dump minitrills with minijacks at the end of them- two instances of a vocal dump in that entire section- it feels so weird to play only because oh how sparsely the vocal dump aspect was used, it would have been much better to fully commit either way.
Then in the buildup to the main drop, we are greeted with not the most accurate vocal dump, with patterns that are not friendly to play- then we switch to instrumental charting- then back to vocal dump. Again, it would have been better to fully commit to one way, switching back and forth makes the layering very confusing for the player.
The saving grace of this chart is the insanely fun main drop section (which is how I think C7 should have charted it).

{C4} - Started off very strong, similar to C5 but with a slightly more creative patterning choice for the instrumentals. Unfortunately the chart lost its flow a little bit with the dicksynced vocals after the first drop, which I felt were not timed correctly. Then later on in the main drop, it suffered the same problems as mentioned above in C5.
Hard to describe, but overall I just felt the chart became less consistent/polished over time.

{C7} - The minijacks in the main drop worked extremely well, along with the combination of small dumpy bursts- it felt great to play- but the anchors/longjacks almost always just felt unjustified and unnecessary to me. I would've given a much higher score if they had been toned down.
The layering/patterning of the intro/buildup also felt oversimplified for no good reason.
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