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Old 06-2-2023, 08:24 PM   #1
DossarLX ODI
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Default happyf333tz donation goal

Some of you may remember happyf333tz, an amazing ITG and PIU player who got into streaming around 2016. The past year he's been going through a lot.

Today, happyf333tz put up a statement explaining his current situation with divorce and how it's had a severe impact on him in basically all areas of his life, whether it be mental, financial, etc.

Also from happyf333tz about 30 minutes ago:
Hey @everyone,

If you have not read my Statement above this announcement, please do so before reading the rest of this post. I am setting up a Donation goal to help me stay afloat over the next month so I can continue to stream. My financial situation has hit a point where I will not be able to continue streaming if this goal is not met. I want to be clear to everyone reading this that you are of course not obligated to help at all and this is not to make anyone feel guilted into supporting me. As I stated in my last post if Streaming is not meant to be then I am completely okay with that. Everyone is going through their own struggles in life and I am the least of everyone's worries here, I take no offense if you cannot financially support this goal. This is my last attempt to push forward as a content creator and continue streaming full time and fund my video editor/thumbnail artist for future content on YouTube. I am honestly embarrassed to even announce this, but I have to be transparent with you all about my situation. The goal is $3,000, which will pay the rent and keep me financially stable over the next month while I work on more content and ideas to boost things up more in general. There has been a lot of support over the last 2 days via Twitch, but the revenue will not show up until the 15th of July unfortunately.

You can donate to my PayPal directly as Friends/Family at and this will go straight to me right away.

I am currently working on rewards to give out to such as playing with the Top 3 Supporters on a Galleon via Discord and other goodies such as Streamloots packs to all supporters. I apologize again for even asking for the assistance everyone, thank you for the support regardless on whether or not we reach the goal.
Of course, you are in no way obligated to donate. Please do not feel pressured to do so. (On a side note: I did get his permission to post this.)
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file

Last edited by DossarLX ODI; 06-2-2023 at 08:26 PM..
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