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Old 02-8-2023, 03:36 AM   #8
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Default Re: What Constitutes a "Good Chart"?

whether i made it or not. if i made it then it's bad

edit: Serious response is that you won't be able to get a practicable answer from anyone. While Opkiller's post listing some elements of a "good chart" are definitely elements that constitute a chart that people would perceive to be good, it's difficult to answer more concrete questions like "how many unique elements must a chart have to be original", "what is the minimum level of consistency that is acceptable in a chart", or "how much of a difficulty spike is an unacceptable one". Charting has mostly been explored as less of a rigorous science with controlled variables and more of an improvisational affair (sometimes with some structure), so there is a lot of intersubjectivity (objectivity doesn't exist in this case) involved in charting and you won't get a clear answer to most concrete questions about assessing a chart.

I think it's still good to consult channels like #simfiles or some judges if you want to get feedback on your chart, but do understand that even if the person assessing your chart is a seasoned charter, they will assess the specific convictions about charting and how it should be done. Some charters will clarify about what you're trying to do exactly because they realise that charting is a very subjective affair, but there's only so much bias that one can mitigate from assessment. All of this isn't necessarily to say that you should avoid hearing from others about what they have to say about your charts and what they think a "good chart" is, but it is to curb your expectations about how applicable one's answers will be to your question, especially when you enter more concrete areas. One person's answers can and will conflict with others. This applies to players, charters, and people who are appointed as FFR judges.

There's also the discussion of distinguishing between "fun" and "good", what are some intersubjective elements of "fun", and whether there is any functional difference between good/fun for most groups of people approaching a chart (whether it'd be playing or looking at it in the editor), but that's a different can of worms altogether.

Last edited by Wiosna; 02-8-2023 at 04:01 AM..
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