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Old 01-7-2023, 12:19 AM   #1
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Default FFR Hall of Fame 2022 - Nominations Thread

Welcome all!

This thread will be the hub for the Nominations for the FFR Hall of Fame 2022.

Nominations can be placed here:

Please note, you will require Google sign-in to make your nominations.
If you do not have a Google account, nor wish to sign-in for the nominations, you are free to PM me with your picks as long as they follow the criteria listed within the document.

Nominations will run until 11:59 PM server time (9:59 PM for PST, 12:59 AM for EST) on January 16th, 2023.

Unlike prior years, we're changing things up. Going forward, we will have 5 inductees a year to the Hall of Fame, and those inductees will fall under one of two categories: Players and Contributors

When it comes to making your nominations, please keep the following criteria in mind:
- Someone who has achieved a level of play that is in the upper echelon.

- Don't keep it just scores based. Continually keeping at the game is worthy as well.

- Someone who has contributed to the site via stepcharting, moderation/administration, or other volunteer work.

- Don't focus just on current people. Looking back upon older charts can also help us identify and celebrate those who left their impact then even if they're no longer a part of the community now.


- The Veteran rule is in effect. You can NOT nominate anyone unless they qualify for FFR Veteran.
Why? Players can have some incredible accomplishments, but sometimes they're not here for long. The Hall of Fame should celebrate those who have made a lasting impression on this community, and a commitment to it.

- You can make up to 3 nominations per category, and up to 6 in total. Any nominations that are deemed to be extra for a category (ex: 4 players) will result in only the top 3 being counted.

- We reserve the right to determine if a nomination ballot is valid. Any joke / meme nominations will result in a nullified and voided ballot.

- Self-nominations are allowed, although please be warned that the nomination will be under scrutiny and runs the risk of the above "joke ballot" rule.

- Please only nominate a user once per ballot. Any multiple votes for a user will not be counted.

Your username is a requirement, but your nominations/votes will be anonymous to other users (unless you want to share your nominations). The only people who who will see are the FFR staff running this ballot.

This thread can also be used for discussion over who you may think is worthy, or thoughts in general.
Let's celebrate those who've helped make FFR a better place - both in terms of our community, and in terms of playing our game!

Last edited by T-Force; 12-31-2023 at 09:37 PM..
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