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Old 12-16-2022, 07:09 PM   #16
Mindblock Master
D8 Godly KeysmasherFFR Veteran
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Age: 17
Posts: 34
Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?
I think I discovered FFR when I saw a livestream (it was AnMaO i believe) playing it and i wanted to try it out. I stuck around because the files were good and i got involved in the community, mostly the discord.

What is the story behind your username?
I was already called Unity Learner on Discord because i was, well, learning how to use Unity and when searching for a new username I thought that it would make a cool one.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why?
There are a lot of people that i enjoy talking to and that motivate me in the community but for this question I'm going to say xxOpkillerxx because he is currently #1 in Quebec and so you could say he is my rival, in a friendly way of course .

What kind of feature would you want the most in FFR?
I know it's already been mentioned by NotSpiralingEnough, but a rate leaderboard would be pretty cool. It wouldn't have to quite equiv, just a fun way to keep track for rate scores. FFR already has lots of features so I couldn't come up with anything new lol.
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