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Old 12-16-2022, 03:14 PM   #13
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Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Originally Posted by XJ-9 View Post
Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why? (For example this can be someone from FFR you idolize/respect, an FFR rival that pushes you to improve, or a good friend from FFR that you made since joining.)
This is a question that has had many answers over the years; I consider myself lucky to have met many great people from this community, including ones I've idolized in many ways, and almost all have become good friends.

Sky Kitten is the top one that comes to mind because of her selflessness both to this site, and just in general. You will never, EVER, find a more genuine and sweet person than her, and I consider myself lucky to count her as one of my dearest friends, and have been able to do so for almost 14 years now.

HammyMcSquirrel / XJ-9 was one of the first people I saw on all the leaderboards whom I also got the opportunity to speak to outside of the site. To say I was starstruck is an understatement, but between the multitudes of games, stories, and adventures we've had, I've still never fully lost that sense of awe. The key thing is the awe and admiration is from seeing how you treat everyone as an equal and worthy of your time - especially in a period when elitism was rampant.

Others like Elite Ninja, kjwkjw, WirryWoo, bmah, and Niala. Those of us who became the heart of The Skype Room over its multitudes of iterations. We all push each other in terms of the game, and scores, and in terms of files. Most importantly though, all the pushing is purely via encouragement. Never once has it been a negative experience with any of you, and everyone's mutual encouragement is an inspiration.

And, special shoutouts to some of the modern people I've met that became big inspirations to myself to be better in the game: revolutionomega, Lights, and especially Zlyice. The #ffr-bragboard channel was, and is, a fun place to hang out, and you three were always encouraging, and always gave me a goal to push towards.
Whether it be racing to 100 FMO AAA's, or steadily getting better ranks/equiv, culminating in the Scarhand achievement, being able to have you all around for support is great, and I can only hope that I was producing that same encouragement for you.

And hey, thank you to everyone; you all make my job a lot easier than maybe it should be, and there's a reason I've stuck around for almost 16 years.
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