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Old 11-29-2022, 12:38 PM   #23
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Default Re: TWG 204 - HOST VOTING!

Originally Posted by thesunfan View Post
how do you feel about the requirement being at 60 minutes before EOD instead of 90? How about just having completed 5 game-related posts before EOD?
I think the exact cutoff has to come down to what Host feels he can make consistently. I would like it at least 30+ minutes before EOD, though.

I think the benefit to this is that you don't have to worry about an inactive spamming posts right at EOD. Yeah, they could do that at whatever deadline in theory but I think making it to where there's this cutoff before the exciting part of the phase would encourage more players to make sure they check in at various points to make sure they are still in the game.

Plus, from other players perspectives, we never have to spend EOD debating an alignment on a player that didn't generate enough content to actually have an informed guess. Removing offending players an hour out helps EOD be spent on deducing actual information which is much closer to the spirit of the game.

how do you reckon a theoretical early phase end (due to insta or modkill) could impact a mod's ruling?
I think Modkills should never end phase. Either the game can go on or it's called.

I think if insta happens well before an hour before EOD then the players either feels it's all figured out or have bigger problems then inactives, so I wouldn't enforce a post limit in that case. The Post Limit rule is to help whatever game is happening to be meaningful and prevent it from being stale, but insta at itcs core is a role that is largely used to either speed up or (for wolves) deny conversation. The functions it serves already contribute information to the game (who actually does the insta is very important to players, etc) so the additional post limit rule isn't really needed in this case.

In short, the rule is to encourage players to generate content in which the game can be played. If another event in the game comes in conflict with the post limit but is generating content to engage with, I am ok not enforcing the Post Limit

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